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How to get the Office Assistant in Office 2003 (clippy) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages

[updated 24th January 2009 with new download location for x64 systems]
[updated 31st December 2009 with Windows 7 information]
I have been asked this question several times and finally dug into the system to make it work.  N.B.  while this will work with Windows 7 the "agent" will have a pink background.  Given the age of this technology it is unlikely to be fixed.

The solution

The Office Assistant relies on some "agent" technologies.  To fix this we need to install the agent technologies and then copy a DLL across.  Since I was playing around it is possible that there is an extra step or two that is not actually needed, but since this is a small process and simple to do I don't think it will do any harm.  What is more, I was not about to rebuild a system, load Vista and Office 2003 just to see if I could remove a 10 second step :-)

  1. Download the MSAgent technology from http://www.microsoft.com/msagent - select the CORE files, so for me that was this item - Download the Microsoft Agent core components (395 KB exe) Download the MSAgent2.exe file from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=E11BF712-7862-45BA-826D-44AE3A11836F&displaylang=en
  2. Run the download, accepting the UAC prompt (the security prompt)
  3. image - select the option "This program installed correctly"
  4. Open an elevated command prompt - have a look at How to start an administrative (or elevated) command prompt and tell if you got it right (in Vista) if you are unsure how to do this.  The window should have the title "Administrator: Command Prompt" if you have it right.
  5. type the following commands into the prompt (each line will probably start with "c:\windows\system32>" - don't worry about this (if you are using a x64 (64-bit) version of Windows replace "system32" with "system" in the commands below)

      copy   c:\windows\msagent\agentdpv.dll    c:\windows\system32
      regsvr32    c:\windows\msagent\agentdpv.dll

    1. That is it.  If you get error messages check the command prompt has the title as per #4 and follow the instructions on how to get an elevated command prompt.  Also, check that you have a space betbween the regsvr32 command and the rest of the command.

    How I diagnosed the problem and fixed it - only read if you want to know more - technical stuff!!

    This is a simple example of using the great tools provided by Microsoft.  The stages I took

    1. Download Process Monitor from http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysinternals/ProcessesAndThreads/processmonitor.mspx
    2. image  Run Process Monitor and for every application on the list (except winword.exe), right click on it and select Exclude by Process Name
    3. Clear the history by pressing Ctrl+X
    4. Now do the "thing" that is causing the problem, so in my case, opening the gallery for the office assistant
    5. To stop the logging going on forever, stop the logging once you have reproduced the problem (Ctrl+E)
    6. Now go down the list and look for things that failed - if you see a number of retries, or in this case, an attempt to open a particular file in every directory on the path then you know you have your suspect
    7. Open an elevated command prompt and type the following:
      1. CD C:\
      2. DIR /S /A <filename> - so DIR /S /A agentdpv.dll
    8. You will see several hits, but ignore the ones in places like c:\windows\system32\winsxs or other strange locations - c:\windows\msagent seemed like a good option to me.
    9. We now need to register the file:
      1. regsvr32 <filename> - so regsvr32 c:\windows\msagent\agentdpv.dll
    10. Finally either add c:\windows\msagent to the path or you can try the trick I did of copying it to c:\windows\system32




    Posted Mon, Jul 23 2007 12:02 AM by David Overton


    University Update-Windows Vista-How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages wrote University Update-Windows Vista-How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Jul 23 2007 10:05 AM

    Pingback from  University Update-Windows Vista-How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages

    [email protected] wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Jul 23 2007 10:37 PM

    Thank you so much for this fix.  I have looked everywhere for a solution.

    Bob Proffitt wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Jul 26 2007 12:58 AM

    Thanks for the great work.  May this note brighten your day.

    Amarjeet Singh (India) wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Jul 28 2007 7:49 PM

    Thank you David.  This is wonderful!

    Trond Ruud wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sun, Jul 29 2007 4:21 PM


    The "copy c:\windows\msagent\agentdpv.dll c:\windows\system32" didn't work, yet I located agentdpv.dll in  c:\windows\msagent\ , so I guess it was a question of system access rights? But I have administrator rights, so that doesn't sound quite right either When doing a manual copy-paste instead, I was prompted to confirm the action, so there are obviously some checks and hindrances for copying files to system32. The copy and  regsvr32 c:\windows\msagent\agentdpv.dll did not cure my "Not enough memory" error messages, though.

    Priscilla wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Jul 30 2007 3:15 AM

    I tried your patch. I ran the file you said. Everything worked through the part "This program installed correctly".  I followed the command prompt instructions. My command prompt read: c:\Users\Priscilla>

    I copied your commands at the prompt and got the message: DII Register Server in c:\windows\msagent\agent succeeded. I went to MS Office to check, and I still get the same error message. Where did I go wrong?

    Thanks for your help.  I am running XP Office Professional in Windows Vista Home Premium.

    David Overton wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Jul 30 2007 8:45 AM


    When you got the command prompt up, did it say "Administrator:Command Prompt" in the title, if not, then you need to look at the blog entry on how to get an adminastrative command prompt.

    If you can't find it, let me know


    Trond Ruud wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Jul 30 2007 2:16 PM

    Hi David,

    To summarize, my erroneous ways from the beginning:

    I put a shortcut to the command prompt on my desktop, and opened a window by right-clicking on it and choosing "Run as Administrator", and pasted in your copy command string ("copy c:\windows\msagent\agentdpv.dll c:\windows\system32) but got a message that the file could not be found, so I located it manually in Windows explorer  and did a copy and paste to system32 from there. Could the not found failure perhaps be a question of not having unmarked the "Hide protected operating system files" option, in Folder Options?

    But when I tried to repeat the copy operation in a "Run as Administrator"-command window right now, the file was found, so I don't know what happened the first time? This time I got the prompt:

    Overwrite c:\windows\system32\AgentDpv.dll? (Yes/No/All): y

    Access is denied.

           0 file(s) copied.

    A clue here, perhaps? I answered y(es) to the prompt, but still got an Access denied, error!

    The regsvr32 c:\windows\msagent\agentdpv.dll  gave a success message the first time, but as already reported, it did not cure my "Not enough memory" error messages.

    David Overton wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Jul 30 2007 2:25 PM


    Did you load the msagent download I suggested?

    Anyway, if you have, could you fire up the process monitor tool in the blog entry, remove all processes (by right clicking on them and saying exclude) except the office application you are running (eg winword.exe) and then clear the log and start logging (if it was not started).  Then do what you need to do to show the out of memory error, then stop logging, save the log and e-mail me at [email protected]


    Trond Ruud wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Jul 30 2007 8:14 PM

    If you by the question "Did you load the msagent download I suggested?" mean, did I download and install it, the answer is yes. And just to be sure, I ran the installer again now.

    Trond Ruud wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Jul 30 2007 9:16 PM

    Sorry I missed on of your questions,

    You asked: "When you got the command prompt up, did it say "Administrator:Command Prompt" in the title"

    I checked it now by right clicking on the command prompt shortcut on my desktop and right-click choosing "Run  as Administrator", like I also did originally. And, yes: the command prompt up, says "Administrator:Command Prompt"



    Trond Ruud wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Jul 31 2007 3:04 PM


    Thanks for bringing back that charming and wise mutt, "Rocky", David!

    Copying AgentDpv.dll to \windows\system, rather than to \system32 did the trick, right away.

    Best regards, from Norway

    Trond Ruud

    David Overton wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Jul 31 2007 3:09 PM

    OK, I have updated the information for x64 machines (64-bit).  Instead of the line:

    copy c:\windows\msagent\agentdpv.dll c:\windows\system32


    copy c:\windows\msagent\agentdpv.dll c:\windows\system

    that should do it.



    Boyet Geres wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Jul 31 2007 4:51 PM

    Mr. David Oberton your a genius.

    Your solution is very well explained and easy to understand and very very helpful.

    May you keep your goodwill.

    Thank you very much.

    Dax wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, Aug 8 2007 7:37 PM

    Hi David,

    Will this solution work for Office 2000?  I am having the same "Not enough memory" error message with the Office Assistant.

    Thanks, Dax

    David Overton wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Aug 9 2007 7:58 PM

    This should also work with Office 2000 as it is almost certainly the same error with the Agent technology.



    Dax wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Aug 10 2007 5:50 AM

    Hey David,

    It worked perfect!  Thanks


    Corrigap wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Aug 11 2007 9:55 AM

    Worked fine for me straight off. Good work - well done!

    Kevin Cobley wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Aug 11 2007 7:26 PM

    Is that command prompt, 1 command prompt or a group of command prompts? I don't know whether to enter the whole lot or whether to enter 3 prompts, 1 for every c:/windows.

    David Overton wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Aug 11 2007 10:57 PM

    you can enter it all into 1 command prompt.


    Don Sinsai wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Aug 14 2007 11:15 PM

    Dear David,

    Many thanks for this fix. It is only one week since I validated my copy of Office 2003 and I was already running a headache because I could not access the different office assistants. Now that I found  them, with your help, I will have a field day choosing one of the popular ones, especially the smart cat. Once more, thank you for the fix.  Don Sinsai

    Gene Sprain wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Aug 17 2007 5:48 AM

    Thanks for the fix David. I also greatly appreciate the technical steps in discovering the fix. Maybe this will help me fix future problems (and I'm sure there will be more). Also thanks to Google for pointing me right to this page. God bless the Internet!

    Murnic wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sun, Aug 19 2007 10:17 PM

    Thanks for the fix!  Works great!

    Note that Microsoft has broken your main link but the actual download link does still work.

    I don't know if you can find the new location for the main Agent downloads or not.  I did some quick searching and could not locate it to post here.

    There was actually a MS Blog entry pointing over here too.

    Thank you for taking the time to write up the steps.

    David Overton wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sun, Aug 19 2007 10:26 PM


    thanks for the link info - I have made it more generic.



    Janet Brimhall wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, Aug 22 2007 6:10 PM

    Thanks for the information!  I found your site yesterday when searching for a way to get Links the Cat on my screen again!  Even a computer dunce like me can follow your great instructions...

    scotru wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Aug 24 2007 4:53 AM

    Very helpful!  Thanks!

    Ken Bartash wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, Sep 5 2007 4:55 AM

    WOW GREAT FIX! Quick easy and of course Microsoft never gave this solution for Office because they want you to buy Office 2007. I don't think I could have lasted much longer without the fun busy Links Cat Assistant keeping me company. Now I can continue to use Office 2000 which Microsoft claims is fully compatible with Windows Vista anyway. I remember having MS Agent with Windows 2000/XP too. Why this agent technology is forgotten and not added to the Office service packs is a mystery to all lof us. Glad users have smart programmers like you to solve the problems that even Microsoft can't fathom :)

    David Overton wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, Sep 5 2007 7:17 AM


    I work for Microsoft, so perhaps they can fathom it :-)  Anyway, glad you like the fix.



    Janie wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Sep 7 2007 4:12 PM

    Thanks, worked great!

    Anamaria wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sun, Sep 9 2007 6:45 AM

    I love you! :)

    I was about to go where I get installed the MS Office... but I found your webpage

    BUT: I found the .dll file in c:\windows not inside \msagent carpet... this may happen to anyone else... I hope it helps.

    Jack Smith wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, Sep 19 2007 2:28 AM

    Thank you, thank you very much. The solution that you provided worked for my problem. I now have my little buddy back on the screen. Links the cat is my favorite. He is a great stress reliever.


    Glyn Boucher wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sun, Sep 23 2007 10:14 AM

    Just perfect.

    Annie wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Sep 25 2007 4:30 AM

    Thanks for this tip! It really helps. A big thank you to you! :)

    Marie wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Oct 2 2007 8:38 AM

    This works great, although I have to select the office assistant at almost every instance. :)

    Office Assistant - Technology Questions: Desktops, Notebooks, Tablet PCs, UMPCs, MID, and Mobile PCs wrote Office Assistant - Technology Questions: Desktops, Notebooks, Tablet PCs, UMPCs, MID, and Mobile PCs
    on Sat, Oct 6 2007 5:12 AM

    Pingback from  Office Assistant - Technology Questions: Desktops, Notebooks, Tablet PCs, UMPCs, MID, and Mobile PCs

    Office Assistant - Technology Questions: Desktops, Notebooks, Tablet PCs, UMPCs, MID, and Mobile PCs wrote Office Assistant - Technology Questions: Desktops, Notebooks, Tablet PCs, UMPCs, MID, and Mobile PCs
    on Sat, Oct 6 2007 5:31 AM

    Pingback from  Office Assistant - Technology Questions: Desktops, Notebooks, Tablet PCs, UMPCs, MID, and Mobile PCs

    Janet wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Oct 8 2007 11:49 PM

    Thank you, Thank you Thank you

    I love the office assistant. I had to replace an aging machine with a new Vista Machine

    which was great except the office assistant would not run. Long Live the Office Assistant

    Willy Jaun wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Oct 11 2007 2:31 PM

    Thanks for this, worked first time and my customer is happy 'kitten'.

    Jo wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Oct 11 2007 10:38 PM

    Do I copy the enitre thing or do i copy it section by section?  Anyways, both ways, my computer says : "This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Set Associations control panel."

    I have no clue what to do, and I am sure it is running as an administrator

    David Overton wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Oct 11 2007 10:48 PM


    At what stage are you seeing this?  Are you doing the file copy using the command prompt or are you trying to do this with Explorer.  It has to be done in an elevated command prompt.



    Robert wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Oct 15 2007 1:54 AM

    Wow, wow, wow!  THANK YOU.  I really missed the little kitty-kat.

    You have made my day!  It worked perfect for me!  Now I will go and fix it on my mom's PC!

    zigster321 wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Oct 26 2007 5:13 AM

    [Windows Vista 32-bit, Office 2003 w/all updates]

    Beautiful!!  Had a problem initially that the syntax of the command was incorrect.  I entered the entire string as one line/command, which didn't work.  What I found out was this:

    As it is displayed on your page, from the command prompt, I typed the first line...hit 'enter'.  I got asked to overwrite and typed 'y'...hit 'enter'.  A second command prompt displayed and I typed the SECOND line as it is displayed on your page...hit 'enter'.  BINGO!!  Got the little window that my efforts were successful --- went to MS Word and went through the entire library of Office Assistants.

    Thanks for your time and willingness to share.

    Anne Thorpe wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Nov 2 2007 11:18 PM

    This page looks really useful, and thank you for sharing your expertise.  However, I am really frustrated because I can't get past step 2 of your instructions.  When I save the MSAgent core components, I can't get the panel to open to go on to step 3.  This is making me feel really dim, am I missing something that should be obvious?  

    julien wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Nov 5 2007 3:18 PM

    thanks - it works and with additional download of the language file.

    Kevin wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, Nov 7 2007 7:19 PM

    Thanks David, I was getting fustrated with Vista on my laptop and that has at least cleared one issue. Worked great the first time. Had to retype one line when I did the wife's desktop, my error. Thanks so much.

    Rodrigo wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sun, Nov 11 2007 5:04 PM

    thanks for your solution it worked, there is not a solution posted in spanish so i had to search in english, thanks again

    Barb from IL, USA wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Nov 13 2007 2:45 AM

    Thank you so much for helping me get little helpful cat back !!!!

    Everything you said I did and it worked great!

    Zaheer Sheikh wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Nov 13 2007 11:29 PM

    I also had same problem with Microsoft Office 2003 in Vista. Based on the above information, I found an easy solution to this problem. Here is the simple solution to run all the Agents of MS Office 2000, XP, 2003 in Vista.

    1. Go to the following website and download the file

    [moderated - please do not publish links to dll files that can not be verified.  This is a great way to add mlaware to your PC.  Always download from a trusted source, such as Microsoft.com for MS files]

    2. Copy this file to C:\Windows\System32

    3. Open the Command Prompt as an administrator. To do this:

    Go to Start menu, Programs, Accessories, Right click on Command Prompt, and click on Run as Administrator

    4. Now, type following:

    regsvr32 c:\windows\msagent\agentdpv.dll

    That's it: Enjoy your favorite MS Agent!!!

    Zaheer Sheikh

    Dean wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Nov 17 2007 3:55 PM


    Brill, thanks.

    It's sorted my machine and my dad's.  I didn't even know I had a problem, he was the one that noticed it.

    I wish there were more small and easy to find solutions to anoying small problem.

    Thanks again.

    andymackk wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Nov 19 2007 10:20 PM

    This worked for me. thanks very much.


    John FITCH wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Nov 23 2007 1:25 PM

    David Overton , you are a star . First time I've tried anything this tekky and ........ It Worked . Have you noticed that all the previous posters , like me , wanted to get Links the Cat back into their Office .

    kpowell wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sun, Nov 25 2007 3:16 AM

    Worked like a charm. You da man!!!

    Laras4labd wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Dec 1 2007 3:44 AM

    Hi everyone. I have tried this over and over again and I still can't get the assistants. Any suggestions, besides returning to windows xp?

    David Overton wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Dec 1 2007 12:33 PM


    when you go through the process above, do you do it exactly as described?  Do you see any error messages?  Do you have Windows 64-bit?



    Doug wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Dec 1 2007 7:01 PM

    Thanks for the fix. Got my Cat!

    anneb04 wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, Jan 2 2008 6:42 PM

    Thank you so much my little cat is back

    MinnahPage wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Jan 10 2008 12:39 AM

    WOO HOOOOOO!!!!!!

    Thanks much!  My day was much poorer without that silly little cat!

    Dodge1571 wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Jan 10 2008 1:54 PM


    As we say in Australia your a bloody legend mate and a big thumbs up to you.

    I know have F1 the robot back thanks for the tip it worked nicely without a single hickup

    Joy wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sun, Jan 13 2008 9:22 PM

    It worked when I copied to system - so glad to get little Rocky back again...thank you David!

    David Walker wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Jan 14 2008 3:06 PM

    Dear David,

    I am getting another error in Outlook 2003 SP3 that sounds similar to what has been described here and was wondering if this fix would do the same thing? Basically, if I try to save an email attachment to my PC I get a message saying "There are not enough resources to complete the operation. Save your work, close other programs, and then try again". Closing other programs makes no difference. I seem to have plenty of free RAM too. If I press "Ignore" about ten times it allows me to save it anyway. Any ideas? I am running Windows Vista business 32-bit.


    David Walker

    David Overton wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Jan 15 2008 8:02 PM


    there are many things this could be, but I will plump for your anti-virus/anti-malware being at fault - who's is it and what version is it?



    Bill Malthouse wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Jan 17 2008 7:55 PM

    Thanks a great deal for solving this annoyance! Who wants Office 2007 anyway with still more bloat!

    I will apply this fix to my wife's stupid Vista laptop as soon as I get back to my vacation home where the machine sits.   One real question though ... how come there is NO support information about this topic in the usual MSsoft KB?  I tried every possible combination of search terms and got NOWHERE fast (other than the same kind of stupidity vs Office 98 where the problem was no .act/acp files in the right directory.

    I am NO fan of MSsoft, but in the past have found much useful in the KB.  What is happening to the tech support area vs "simple" bugs like this.

    David Overton wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Jan 18 2008 12:05 AM


    This is an unsupported fix - MS internally and in support are aware of my documentation, but the agent technology was depreciated and so support (that you can take to the bank / court room) is not there, hence no statement (I think).

    As for Office 98 - do you really expect any software house to support a product that is 5 versions and 10 years old?  Most / almost all won't.  However, people are always willing to help.. ala my blog.  Remember I do this in my spare time, but I still work for MS.



    AZZ wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Jan 19 2008 12:45 AM

    IT WORKS!!!

    Nizam wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Jan 21 2008 7:43 PM

    G R E A T , G R E A  T  work, thanks for uploading this  this solution ,   God Bless You

    Janie B wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Jan 24 2008 3:18 PM

    Thanks for your help I've now got my office assistant back, keep up the good work

    Fernando wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Feb 2 2008 8:04 PM

    David you are a genius problem solved it works great as you said.

    Thanks very much for your time to upload these solutions

    Ernest J. Dutra wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Feb 8 2008 9:04 AM


    What a great fix.  Just purchased a new laptop with Vista, and installed Office 2003 and got the error message. You can't imagine how difficult it was for me over the last couple of days to track down a rememdy.  

    Sugggestion:  At the C prompt, your readers might want to type in Doskey first.  It's an old DOS command, as you well know.  Youo might want to explaint to your readers how, by typing Doskey first and pressing enter, then begin to type, if typing error is made in the syntax and one is told it's invalid, one can use the up arrow to retrieve what was already typed  

    Anyway, I'm sooooo glad to have come across your blog.  I've signed up to receive your emails.  :o)

    Thank you.


    Ted K wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Feb 8 2008 2:19 PM

    Dear David,

    I have a similar problem to  David Walker's question.  I  am getting  error in Publisher 2003 SP3 that sounds similar to what has been described here "low memory".  When I try to open a Publisher document I get the low memory error message and hit "OK" and must close the program.  However if I open and existing publisher document using Windows Exployer it opens fine and I have no problems.  However if I try to save with a new name I get the same message "low memory".  I am running Windows Vista business 32-bit with 3GB of memory so memory shouldn't be a problem.  I am running McAfee Security software version 7.2 with build 7.2.147.  The Office Assitant is running fine on my system.  Thank you for your assistance.

    Ron wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Feb 8 2008 2:36 PM

    Well done David. Thanks

    Chris wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sun, Feb 10 2008 8:09 PM

    I have tried everything but somehow I can't get it to work. In the command prompt window when I try to copy c:\windows\msagent\agentdpv.dll   it says that "this program does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Set Associations control panel."

    The second command c:\windows\system32 says "is not recognizable as an internal or external command".

    The third one says that it saves though.

    Blanche wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Feb 12 2008 7:13 PM

    Thanks David. This is really awesome and works to perfection. So simple you wonder (or not wonder) why Microsoft doesn't  just put it in! I love the cat so much it killed me not to have access to it. Now thanks to you it is back on my desk!

    1000 thanks

    Big V wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Feb 29 2008 6:41 PM

    You really rock!!In a nerdy kinda way.

    Eric Y wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Mar 1 2008 5:43 PM

    David, kudos on the Word 2000 Vista fix. I now have 'Rocky' back. I'm using Vista Home Premium on a Dell. Very fast. I started 'fooling' around with editing the registry back with Win98, when I could not stand those damn shortcut arrows. I know it's a shortcut, duh. I've learned a whole bunch of other tricks since then for XP  and now Vista. I also got hooked on sailing and windsurfing. I am the only sailor and carpenter in my family. Thankz again.

    Iain wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sun, Mar 2 2008 4:58 PM

    Thank you, you're a star.

    Kari wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Mar 4 2008 12:08 AM

    I am having same problem with Office 2002 with Vista and I am also having trouble getting asstants to work. Cnan you help me please.

    Kari wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Mar 4 2008 12:37 AM

    I am running a new computer with vista and tried to install office 2002 and I am also unable to get the assistants to work it also tells me that I do not have enough memory. I havr tried to do what you suggested and was not successful. I received a response of "file does not have a progrmam associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Set Associations control panel." Can you help me please. [email protected]    TY

    Geert wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Mar 4 2008 8:35 PM

    Hello David,

    I'm from Belgium, sorry if my English isn't totally right.

    I struggle with the same problem, can you tell me what CORE file I have to download. (Dutch version ?)

    I've already tried the same download as you did but I don't get the window as in step 2.

    Ernest J. Dutra wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, Mar 5 2008 10:36 AM

    I don't remember if I left a message the last time I was here; but,

    if I did, this is worth repeating.  Thank you for the assistant "fix".

    It worked out perfectly.

    Also, your blog is now in my "favorites" folder.  It's a great site.

    Again, thank you.

    Geert from Belgium wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, Mar 5 2008 9:55 PM

    Today I had another attempt to run the solution and with success !!! Apparently yesterday I did something wrong.

    Thank you very much David!

    Lori wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Mar 13 2008 1:48 PM

    Wow, that was a quick fix. I can't thank you enough!

    Charles Henderson wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Mar 14 2008 12:04 AM

    Thanks for the fix been trying to fix this for weeks! works great!

    Dee wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Mar 21 2008 6:15 PM

    David, thank you thank you!!!

    How grateful and awestruck I am by all the intelligent and knowledgeable people (you) out there helping us lesser beings, (ME)

    it took me a few goes in the command prompt thing, because It wouldn't take it all at once -  and I kept mis-typing ! but I got there in the end!!

    Thanks again oh generous one!

    simon wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Mar 21 2008 9:28 PM

    many thanks, biggest disappointment with new laptop was no cat; now back!!

    simon wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sun, Mar 23 2008 11:38 AM


    having successfully recovered cat  on 21st March, today laptop started up with complex message that it had not been correctly shut down (don't remember any problem in shut down), it then restored some earlier state, loosing all the shortcuts I had installed, and also the cat. I have repeated the process as before and the messages suggest that everything has happened OK, but opening gallery I again get no memory message. Do I need to clear something and re-start?

    Roofeye wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Mar 25 2008 8:08 PM

    I've got it to work with Vista in French and Office 2000 in English even though I did not get any error message, it just would not change the office assistant, now I can, thanks to you!

    JB wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Mar 28 2008 1:00 PM

    Thanks, nice to see the cat again.

    RonLow wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Mar 28 2008 8:57 PM

    Thanks for solving this problem.  Your fix worked perfectly.  The world is a better place because of you!  (Thanks too for explaining how you did the troubleshooting.)

    Farad wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, Apr 2 2008 10:34 AM

    Excellent - You are the best .

    Herema wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Apr 3 2008 1:19 AM

    thank you for providing such easy and precise directions to solving a big problem. To some, the office assistant is not a big deal, but it is like having a pet inside our computers, makes it friendlier. I now have my dog back, tnx

    Do you have a solution for the quick button bar that MS had in the XP systems? I kept mine docked on the right. I used it a lot when writing because I use several programs in writing books. It made it easier to access them without going to the start menue or the desk top.

    thanks again

    Peggy wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Apr 3 2008 3:40 AM

    Agree with all the others - you're the BEST and THANK YOU!  (I just used this method with Vista and Office XP.)

    Adi wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Apr 10 2008 9:19 PM

    Thanks! works perfectly!!

    Amber wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Apr 11 2008 8:11 AM

    Thanks so much!  This was very easy to follow (and that means a lot from me, because I'm *not* computer savvy).  The cat is back!  :)

    Oliver wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Apr 12 2008 6:45 PM

    I had just installed Office 2003 on my new Vista Home Premuim machine and I got the "Not enough Memory message", so I tried your fix and after a couple of attempts it worked and I now have a full complement of Office Assisatants. :)

    Lori H wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Apr 14 2008 8:55 AM

    YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!  Thank you so much David.  I just got my Vista system a week ago and installed my Office 2003 and was very perplexed as to how I could not have enough memory to select a different office assistant as that was down right silly.  I followed your x64 machine instructions (and learned how to run an administrator command proompt in the process) and all worked beautifully.  Now, I just wish I could find something on how to get the pre-installed Windows Media Center to record a TV show.  This Vista stuff is very challenging.  Don't even get me started on what happened to my iTunes and audio books.  

    Sorry, I rant!  Again, you are marvelous!  Many thanks.  Lori

    David Overton wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Apr 14 2008 9:14 AM


    I'm saddened to say that the iTunes problems you have experienced are all down to Apple.



    Darren wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sun, Apr 20 2008 4:12 AM

    Thanks!! You ROCK!!

    Me wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sun, Apr 20 2008 8:58 PM

    Different question... somewhat similar topic. I run office 2007, however, since Frontpage is no longer made, so I run Frontpage 2003. I have the cute kitty to keep me amused when in Frontpage, but obviously he disappears when I use any of the office 2007 programs. Is there a way to make him pop up since I have everything necessary installed while running 2007? Is there a way to have the little kitty there all the time even if FP is not open? I'm running XP as the OS. Anyway, just hoping someone might know a way to do this. Thanks.

    Mike O wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, Apr 23 2008 6:39 AM

    Worked like a charm! Thanks for the expertise, it's greatly appreciated.

    David H Myers wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sun, Apr 27 2008 1:01 AM

    Beautiful! Worked first time!

    CrestofaKnave wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, Apr 30 2008 10:30 PM

    Excellent solution. You are a guru among gurus

    Chris B wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, May 3 2008 9:12 PM


    I apprecciate this fix!  However, the only problem seems to be that whenever I close and restart office, the office assistant defaults back to the paperclip, and not the cat like I had selected.  Everytime I go in and change it, but if I have to close out, it always come back with the default.  Any suggestions.?

    Elizabeth wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, May 8 2008 9:47 PM

    I am a pensioner and have just upgraded to Vista which I think is great, but I missed Rocky.  Thank you for taking the time to work it out for all of us. It is great to have him back.

    Jaye wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, May 9 2008 4:16 AM

    Gaaak, help me, pleeeeeze,

    I finally got the command prompt to accept everything, with meassage that it worked.

    was expecting to get my robot & other assistants back, but same error keeps poping up.

    Tried rebooting, no luck,  followed instructions precisely, but still get the same wretched error no memory message.

    Running Office XP on Vista home basic on new desktop with loads of memory.

    Shady wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, May 10 2008 12:04 PM

    A million thanks to you dav. alittle hint of advice, shorten this blog, to much lagg.

    thanks btw.

    Grammy wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, May 10 2008 8:45 PM

    Dave, Thanks so much for your help.  I've been driving myself crazy about this problem, but the fix worked great!  Terry

    Jaye wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, May 15 2008 2:22 AM

    Oh My Freaking GOD, David Overton, I pronounce YOU MASTER of the Microsoft UNIVERSE!

    how amazing you are & how insanely LAME & S-t-u-p-i-d was ME!!!

    Hope I am not the only fool who missed this, still amazed at my cement headed, gristle between the ears

    out & out dumassinity

    I was 'not getting it right until I figured out that the first word

    in your string of commands 'copy' was part of the stuff to be pasted into command prompt!

    I had been pasting in everything but 'copy' thinking you meanbt copy the following...OUCH, brain cramp...

    JovY wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, May 15 2008 6:02 AM

    Wow!!  you're a genius!!  thank you sooo much!! F1 is my fave -- it's good that i didn't have to settle for the default assistant.. awesome!

    Mary wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, May 17 2008 4:42 PM

    Thank you so much! This problem had irritated me!

    Wilf wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, May 19 2008 1:22 AM

    Worked just as you said.  I actually bought more memory but of course, that didn't fix it.  However my PC runs faster now.  Thanks.

    Kay wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, May 21 2008 3:14 PM

    I have Office 2000 and Vista 64 and now I have Links the Cat Assistant, too!  Thank you so much.

    I am not totally computer literate nor illiterate, but had to run through things a couple of times because I made small errors or wasn't sure what to look for.  So, if anyone else out there is like me here are hints:

    on #3. select the option "This program installed correctly" don't worry if that doesn't pop up.  Mine didn't.  Go to #4.

    As was discussed in a prior post, if your computer name shows up in the command prompt where I typed NAME:  c:\Users\NAME> then close the command prompt and try again.  Right click on the command prompt shortcut and choose administrator until it comes up as c:\windows\system32> (or something similar if other computers have different things... that is what mine had).  I had to open it twice before it gave me the administrator one.

    You have to manually type in the first line of text beginning with "copy" at the point of where the cursor is blinking in the command prompt (I imagine you need to make sure you put the spaces in after "copy" and after "dll").  Here is what you type:

    copy c:\windows\msagent\agentdpv.dll c:\windows\system32

    As was said, if you have Vista64 leave off the "32" at the end of the line so it just says "system".  To find out if you have Vista 64 or Vista 32:

    On your START menu choose Computer from the right hand side.  Select your C drive (don't open it) and choose System Properties from the menu bar above it that will also have Organize, Views, Properties, and Uninstall or Change a Program,  You will see under System the System Type which reflects 64-bit operating system (that's what mine is, so I assume the 32's would reflect 32-bit in the same place as mine shows 64).

    Back to the command prompt.  You already typed in the first line of text (with or without the 32 at the end ):

    copy c:\windows\msagent\agentdpv.dll c:\windows\system32

    Now hit ENTER to get the response:

    1file(s) copied

    Now you type in the second line (there is a space after 32 and this time both Vista 64 and Vista 32 types in the "32"):

    regsvr32 c:\windows\msagent\agentdpv.dll

    Don't remember the response I got to say I was successful, but try changing your office assistant now and, if they all show up, you are good to go!

    Funny how we spend our time working on getting back our favorite Office Assistant, isn't it?  It's the small things that make life just a little more pleasant.  Too bad the big companies don't care about that kind of stuff.

    Happy Day everyone!

    Thank you, again, David!

    Willowmist wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, May 22 2008 4:42 AM

    THANK-YOU!!  I've been trying for months to solve the mystery of who stole my kitty on MS Word!

    I am going to put a link on my site to share your fix.  You are my new hero.

    Sue wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, May 28 2008 5:17 AM

    THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!  I got my kitty back, I'm so happy!!!  And thanks also to Kay for your further instructions which helped me so much.

    SANJEEV KAMDAR wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, May 30 2008 3:37 PM

    Thank you david, it really works,works,and works.  I got all the office assistants back.

    you are great man.  This is really helpful to everybody. once again thanks man.

    regds sanjeev

    januk wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Jun 2 2008 8:10 PM

    thanks for your affords David.

    really appreciate it.

    januk, Stockholm

    Mark D wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Jun 3 2008 11:33 AM

    I have Office XP Pro and running windows Vista Home Premium, and for weeks well months this has been annoying and baffling then i came accross your solution and it worked a treat, thanks Mark D

    alain bernheim wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Jun 12 2008 2:12 PM

    a 1000 thanks ! It worked for me too

    Robert wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, Jun 18 2008 11:08 AM

    Thank you so much!  I missed that darn cat.

    Pat wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Jun 20 2008 11:03 PM

    You da man!!!  It worked perfect

    Stephen Scheppele wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Jun 28 2008 5:10 PM

    Brilliant and simple....  worked like a charm.  To get the elevated admin prompt you need to be operating from an admin account and then just right click the "Accesories - C: Prompt Icon" and choose "Run as Administrator."

    Hector wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Jul 7 2008 10:21 AM

    Thanks David, it works

    Melanie wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Jul 11 2008 5:41 AM

    David and who ever Kay is above! THANK YOU!!!! I tried a few times to no success..then I followed what Kay said to do and it worked! My kitty is back...I love smart people!!!

    john c (from bristol) wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Jul 19 2008 1:22 PM

    Thanks so much David - this worked first time for me.  Glad I found your solution because nothing else I had tried seemed to work.  Well done!

    Leoven Devilles wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Jul 22 2008 4:39 PM

    Thanks David. Your suggestion so great!!! God Bless!!!

    Bruce wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Jul 25 2008 9:44 PM

    works great,    THANKS

    daphne wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Jul 26 2008 4:53 AM


    thank you so much.  i'm glad to see others shares my OCD about this office assistant :)  thanks for your help. i'm adding you to my favorites!

    Kim M wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sun, Jul 27 2008 6:08 PM

    Outstanding job and directions, THANKS…..

    Mandar wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Aug 2 2008 4:46 PM

    Thanks dude! You are exceptional!

    Too Good!

    Edith Price wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, Aug 6 2008 4:12 AM

    You are a magician!!! Thank You So Much!!! Even a computer novice like me was able to follow your directions. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I love Links the cat.

    whocares wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Aug 14 2008 10:43 AM

    check ur links again i can't find it and it is making me mad. i hate any sites microsoft makes you can't find what you want.

    Shelli Thomas wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Aug 30 2008 12:51 PM

    IT WORKED ! Thank you !

    Eng wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Sep 11 2008 6:45 PM

    Unable to find the download for Agent core components on Microsoft website.


    David Overton wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Sep 11 2008 8:16 PM

    I right clicked the download link above and saved the file without problem.


    Yaron Cherizli wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Sep 18 2008 3:58 PM

    the one and only needed file is AGENTDPV.DLL so...

    you can extract the AGENTDPV.DLL file from the downloaded file (MSagent.exe is a winzip/winrar cabinet) then copy it to c:\windows\system32 folder

    on the command prompt (run as administrator) type regsvr32 c:\windows\msagent\agentdpv.dll

    that's all. yu don't have to install the msagent.exe file !!!

    Kez wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Oct 2 2008 8:46 PM

    Thankyou David, I really appreciate you posting a fix for this.

    I've been stuck with that sodding paperclip assistant since I upgraded to Visa a year ago. So good to be rid of it!!


    Bryan wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Oct 3 2008 5:21 AM

    Thanks guys! I missed my virtual dog & cat.

    TGMcCallie wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Oct 3 2008 6:59 AM

    David, I have 64 bit Vista and I have tried this but can't get it to work.

    I run command prompt as administrator.

    I type in regsvr32 c:\windows\msagent\agentdpv.dll

    I get a message sayijng it was successful BUT I still can not change the assistant.

    Please advise me what I am doing wrong.


    hellooldchap wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Oct 6 2008 5:23 PM

    The Cat is back :)  Huge thanks for the help.

    hentzau wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Oct 10 2008 2:38 AM

    You are my hero!  Thank you!  I'm going to keep a copy of this to use on other computers for my friends and coworkers.

    Michael Makepeace wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Oct 11 2008 6:35 PM

    Thanks very much for the cat retrieval information. Much appreciated.


    Linda Williams wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Oct 16 2008 6:51 PM

    David,  my company will be changing from Windows XP, Word 2003  to Vista + Word 2007 next year.  Will I still be able to install Rocky, the dog?  He's so great.

    Thank you.


    Dirk wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Nov 15 2008 8:24 PM

    Sorry, but this is not working.....

    Why do I get this message in my browser when I click on the link to download Agent core component??

    "The system cannot find the file specified. "


    JSCU wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sun, Nov 16 2008 11:22 PM

    Thanks!  Finally a solution that actually worked!  And I didn't have to search on the Internet for hours.

    JUNE wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Nov 17 2008 12:56 AM

    Thank you so much for this website, i have missed Links. So glad to have him back. JUNE

    Brian Webster wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Nov 20 2008 11:11 PM

    Unlike some I have been searching the Internet for hours tofind a solution to "How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages" By asking the TechGuys they directed me to your website.

    May your lum aye reek, Live long and prosper. BRIAN

    Brian Webster wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Nov 21 2008 8:38 PM

    Successfully downloaded the link for Agent core components. At last the CAT is back.


    Ron wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, Nov 26 2008 7:42 PM


    I have downloaded the cmd.exe file. When I go to my search and put cmd in there cmd shows up and I right click and chose run as administrator. It is now installed into my system.

    I am still having problems getting assistant to change.

    I am running Windows Vista Home Premium with a 64bit os.

    When you have a spare moment please advise me on what to do now.

    Thank you,


    Tony carter ( [email protected]) wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Nov 27 2008 1:32 PM


    This looks wonderful but you cannot access the page with the MS Agent core components - HTTP error - not found ! I tried to Google this description but ended up at the same place. Any suggestions ? Your an Oasis in the desert ! Regards Tony Carter Johannesburg South Africa

    Ron wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Nov 28 2008 11:09 PM


    I was able to get c:\windows\msagent\agentdpv.dll


    Now what do I do?

    Thank you David,


    Ron wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Nov 29 2008 2:22 AM


    It is now working better than ever.

    Thank you my friend,


    Tony carter ( [email protected]) wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Dec 1 2008 8:41 AM

    Hi David,

    I got the page and downloaded the MSAgent.exe and ran it. However, and I think this us a good note for others, I installed office on a separate drive to the C:\Vista drive, consequently when you run the file it does not put the file MSAgentdpv.dll in the same place. I located it and copied it in windows and then registered it in DOD as an Administrator. Result - "Succeeded" and all is well. Things with me MUST work correctly and although I don't mind any office assistant or noe, it was not working correctly and HSAD to be fixed. I told MS your employer to send an update down the tubes to correct this for those who cannot do this - and some cannot.

    Many thanks again


    Carol Wall wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Dec 2 2008 9:16 PM

    David.  I need this again for a new computer but it says file not found.  Any ideas?

    David Overton wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, Dec 3 2008 6:51 AM


    Have you downloaded the msagent.exe again?



    Carol Wall wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, Dec 3 2008 7:38 PM

    That's what I was trying to do but the link says file not found.

    Do you have a valid link?

    David Overton wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, Dec 3 2008 7:50 PM

    Carol, right click on activex.microsoft.com/.../MSagent.exe and hit save as.  Let me know if this does not work.  



    Carol Wall wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, Dec 3 2008 7:58 PM

    Get the same error message.  The system cannot find the file specified.  I even tried pasting in a new browser windo

    Peter wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Dec 4 2008 5:30 PM

    Thanks so much. Wish I had your brain!

    Carol wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Dec 15 2008 10:11 PM

    For some unknown reason the link now works.  Got my Kitty back thanks

    Carmen wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Dec 29 2008 6:37 AM

    Thank you David this totally worked for me and resolved my issue with my office assistant. I now can change it to my favorite the little robot. Vista is tricky....

    Thanks Carmen

    Jessica wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Dec 30 2008 12:46 PM

    thank you. <3!

    Kevin Cobley wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Jan 1 2009 1:05 PM

    Links to m/s agent are non functional! Looks lke Microsoft eirht movesd or closed page! "not found"

    arnaud wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Jan 3 2009 11:07 AM

    Merci beaucoup! ca m'a super aidé!

    Thanks a lot ,it helps me very much! from the other side of atlantic!!! FRENCHY

    astralith wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Jan 13 2009 4:05 PM

    Thanks! Worked like a charm. I didn't read all the post but so forgive me if I'm repeating someone... Not being too tech saavy I typed all the command prompt info in one long run-on sentence. You might repfrase the instructions (like a Dummy's version... you know, for folks like me).

    grum wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sun, Jan 18 2009 4:04 PM

    good job.  Just bought a new machine and wanted something to replace the horrid clippy.  Hooray.

    Bob S wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Jan 19 2009 9:22 PM

    Many thanks for this fix, worked like a charm (64bit)

    Barb Cavanaugh wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Jan 22 2009 1:37 PM

    When I tried to get to the site to down load, a new screen appeared.  It stated "Sorry, we could not find the page you were looking for."  The next line read "The page activex.microsoft.com/.../MSagent.exe can't be located.

    Can you help me?  I have encountered my frustrating issues with a new computer running Vista Home Premium 64bit.  Many hours spent on the phone with tech support!!

    Barb Cavanaugh wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Jan 22 2009 2:08 PM

    When I try to access the core components, I receive the following message on a new page "Sorry, we could not find the page you were looking for.  It is followed by this message:  The page activex.microsoft.com/.../MSagent.exe can't be located.  Can you help me?  Many hours apent with tech support trying to resolve other issues with my new Vista Home Premium 64bit computer.

    Patty wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Jan 22 2009 10:01 PM

    Thanks a bunch!  This worked perfectly.  

    I had no trouble getting to the site to download msagent so I suggest that the ones having problems simply try again a little later.

    guns4fun wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Jan 24 2009 5:20 AM

    Trying to use your fix for the officce assistant. But am running into a problem. I have a 64 bit Vista laptop, and Office 2003.

    When I try to download the msagent, Google steps in with an "Oops! This link appears broken. HTTP 404 - File not found." error box. With some suggestions in it:


    Go to activex.­microsoft.­com/­activex

    Go to the home page of the site: microsoft.­com

    Go to activex.­microsoft.­com

    Search within the site activex.microsoft.com for the terms activex controls agent 2 ms

    Try searching on Google:"

    So is the link really broken or is some other setting on my machine blocking the download? If so what do you think it might be?

    Thanks for any help you can offer.


    David Overton wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Jan 24 2009 10:16 PM

    Today I got the 404 error.  It appears the web file might have finally gone.  I will go and ask about it.



    David Overton wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Jan 24 2009 10:17 PM

    I've updated with a new download location.



    Cindy wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sun, Jan 25 2009 11:55 AM

    Thanks, well done you!

    It was really bugging me that I could not choose an assistant! I sometimes wonder why MS doesn't just dialogue the problem and say...XXXX file is missing you must download XXX, instead of 'not enough memory...'

    guns4fun wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Jan 26 2009 1:51 AM


    The download from the new file location worked great. And the fix worked beautifully!!!!

    Can't thank you enough! Smart people are beautiful, love you!!!!

    That's one more thing scratched off that todo list on the new computer.

    Barb Cavanaugh wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Jan 26 2009 3:30 PM

    Thanks, David.  Microsoft removed the original "fix" website this past week.  A good friend helped me get to the new site you are showing and the fix worked fine!  I have my cat back.

    Michelle wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Feb 5 2009 4:44 AM

    Bless your sweet smart heart!  i have been trying for 3+ hours to figure out how to get Rocky back!  (new Vista laptop, w/ old Office 2000).  Thank you!!!!!!!

    MikeW wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Feb 17 2009 8:49 AM

    Thanks David - worked like a charm. I'm very grateful

    lostfan wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Feb 20 2009 6:09 AM

    WOW, you're awesome for making this available.  Thank you!!

    Anique wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Mar 5 2009 5:48 PM

    Amazing! Thanks so much for figuring this out and posting it! Now I can finally have Links the cat as my assistant!

    Kevin Middleton wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Mar 6 2009 1:13 AM

    Yes everything works now, THANKS BRO/DUDE. Come to New Zealand for holiday look us up at [email protected]

    michelle wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, Mar 11 2009 5:59 PM

    thanks; YOU ARE GREAT i will pass your site on x

    Tilly wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Mar 28 2009 5:46 PM

    Thank you so much-I know it seems dumb to miss something like this but I really missed my cat.  He was there through my undergrad and postgrad degrees and now as I head toward the end of my PhD it was just not the same without him!

    You are brilliant-THANK YOU SO MUCH.


    steve wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, Apr 1 2009 12:27 PM


    Hello - I'm a novice on this, but I'm trying to get it to work.

    It's a 32 bit pc

    Got items 1 to 3 fine.  Thought I was doing fine on item 4, but went programs, accessories to command prompt, and then got the command prompt - but it says c:\\users\steve, not c:\windows\system32  - what do I do

    I have tried just to copy in your c:\windows\msagent\agentdpv.dll c:\windows\system32

    regsvr32 c:\windows\msagent\agentdpv.dll  straight after that, but it then says ' the system cannot execute the specified program' - I then hit return again and I get a dialog box saying 'this file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action.  create an association in the set associations control panel'

    Thanks for your time and patience - await advice


    steve wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, Apr 1 2009 12:33 PM

    addendum to my earlier note:

    I hit return on my command prompt and then a dialog box appeared stating

    'DLL register server in c:\windows\msagent\agent\dpv.dll succeeded'  

    await advice


    Steve in Oz

    David Overton wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, Apr 1 2009 9:53 PM

    Steve in Oz :-),

    You did not run the command prompt as "Administrator" - you need to find the command prompt on your start menu, right click on it and select "run as Administrator".

    Things should work after that.


    steve from oz wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, Apr 1 2009 11:58 PM


    you're a genius - you're giving a lot of good karma to all of us

    best wishes

    steve from oz

    Nonna wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Apr 2 2009 8:06 PM


        I'm running vista 64 and office 2003. I'm getting the "Not enough memory" error message when I applied the hotfix #kb911829 that is supposed to fix the problem of not being able to create new email message or reply to email.  A "red" box is in text area.  Supposedly Vista is not supporting "setupAPI".  Is there another forum discussing this problem that I haven't located?

    David Overton wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Apr 2 2009 9:33 PM


    that KB is for Exchange, not Office 2003.  Are you using Outlook Web Access or Outlook?

    Nonna wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Apr 9 2009 3:13 PM

    oh, I'm trying to access Outlook.  I have Vista 64 and Office 2003.  I access my work email through the work place website.  my can read emails just fine but I can't reply or create new messages.  The message box has the red x.

    David Overton wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Apr 9 2009 7:07 PM
    Nonna wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Apr 10 2009 5:24 PM

    I'm accessing my workplace email system, microsoft outlook web access from my vista 64bit laptop that has office 2003 on it.  i get the red x's, i opened my options box and downloaded the latest  s/whatever it said. Nothing has helped.

    "2003. I'm getting the "Not enough memory" error message when I applied the hotfix #kb911829 that is supposed to fix the problem of not being able to create new email message or reply to email.  A "red" box is in text area.  Supposedly Vista is not supporting "setupAPI".  Is there another forum discussing this problem that I haven't located?"  

    I went to your suggested link, but until I can get past the not enough memory to install the kb911829 fix,  And that may not help at all until the IT guy at work decides he needs to fix it on their end.  Not many are using their home computers that run vista 64 and office 2003 so the problem isn't in his face.

    A lot of posts from people getting the error "Not enough memory" on a brand new vista 64  that does have plenty of room.  But I can't find step by step answers to get around the error.  Replies have implied there is a fix but I haven't  read one yet giving me instructions.

    If this post shows up twice it's because I couldn't tell if I'd sent it yet.

    Debbie wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Apr 10 2009 10:11 PM

    Thanks! It is nice to have my kitty back. :-]

    Dan B wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, May 6 2009 10:02 PM

    Worked fine, first time.

    Appreciate your effort.

    Anonymous wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, May 11 2009 5:59 AM

    hum, I tried this and it didn't really worked. Until the " this program installed sucessfully"  it went great. Should I just paste those comands and close the window?

    David Overton wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, May 11 2009 6:22 AM


    Follow the instructions at uksbsguy.com/.../how-to-start-an-administrative-or-elevated-command-prompt-and-tell-if-you-got-it-right-in-vista.aspx to get the command prompt and then copy and paste the text from the box into it.



    Eleanor wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Jun 6 2009 10:26 PM

    Thanks a bunch for this helpful solution.

    Denise wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Jun 11 2009 11:15 PM

    I lift a frosty pint to you, Sir! Even though Vista (x64) insisted that "The specified module failed to load," Links is where he is supposed to be. Thank you so very much!

    Mehul wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Jun 12 2009 1:28 PM

    Thanks David

    works fine at first. really appreciated............

    Marc Master wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Jun 12 2009 9:35 PM

    Thanks David, however there must have been a change how Microsoft creates the 64-bit system directory.  It is not system64 (anymore) hence 32 can not be simply be replaced with 64 -- system has to be replace with SysWOW64.  I do not know why, maybe it is only my computer.  Bottom line it works.  Thanks a lot.


    Robert wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Jul 11 2009 1:15 AM

    Hey, followed it to the tee and it worked like a charm.  I can now choose my office assistant within that balloon.  I am running vista premium, thanks for the quickfix.

    Pete wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, Jul 29 2009 2:14 PM

    Dave, you're a top bloke:)

    Pins wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Jul 31 2009 3:59 PM

    Hey Thanks Man... that was quick n cool..

    Debra wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Aug 4 2009 6:28 AM

    It did not work.  It gave me an error this file does not have a program associated with it to perform this action. Create an association in the Set association control panel.  Then when I say ok and hit return it says Dll register in c:\windows/msgent/agentdpv.dll suceeded.  But when I open word the gallery assistant still does not work.   Am I doing something wrong?

    Kat wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Aug 15 2009 6:05 PM

    Thank you for your info. I fixed my problem.

    Ralph wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Aug 24 2009 3:41 PM

    I thank you, Eleanor thanks you, and even our little dog Rocky thanks you.

    M wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Aug 27 2009 10:38 AM

    Tried this and didn't work for me. Can't there be an easier way to resolve this than this way?

    Golddiamonds wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Aug 28 2009 1:11 AM

    David, this fix is tight!  It worked perfectly the first time!  I have tried many things to resolve this issue without success.  I finally feel like I've gained some functionality back after "upgrading" from XP to Vista Ultimate! :-)  It is so great to have my purring little buddy Links back on the scene.

    Many thanks to you, Dude.  Keep up the great work.

    Anonymous wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Sep 12 2009 4:53 AM

    Oh my God! You're my hero David! This is great! THANKS A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Angel wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sun, Sep 13 2009 6:56 PM

    I know this is an older post, but the fix worked great! I was going nuts trying to figure out why I didn't have enough memory. Thank you so much for your help! :)

    Frankie Ferrell wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Sep 15 2009 4:15 AM

    Thanks so much for giving me back my favorite kitty!

    ZZOUTLAW wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Sep 19 2009 2:34 PM

    Sir;      You are a Gentleman and a Scholar. Albert Einstien would have been extremely proud of you. In fact, it is my opinion that you are a true American Hero, and if I knew how, I would nominate you to be one of those American Heros, that were introduced at the MLB All-Star vgame this past July. You are indeed that calibre of person, and I truly Thank You.

    [email protected]

    Jerry wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Sep 29 2009 1:00 PM

    OK, I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer but when I go to the download site (using the link provided) all I can find is MSAgent.exe. Nowhere can I find the MSAgent2.exe

    Can ANYONE HELP or is this thread too old?



    jyeagley3 wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Sep 29 2009 1:55 PM

    OK, I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer but when I go to the link provided the only download I see is MSAgent.exe

    I can't find MSAgent2.exe

    Any help and specific directions will be appreciated. I just bought my pc  with Vista OS and like to use my Office 2003 Pro


    jyeagley3 wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Sep 29 2009 3:30 PM

    Hello, it's me again. Can you tell me what I did wrong?

    I'm using a x64 system.

    Below is  a copy of what happened. As I said, I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer.


    Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002]

    Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

    C:\Windows\system32>copy c:\windows\msagent\agentdpv.dll c:\windows\system64

           1 file(s) copied.

    C:\Windows\system32>regsvr64 c:\windows\msagent\agentdpv.dll

    'regsvr64' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

    operable program or batch file.

    C:\Windows\system32>regsvr64 c:\windows\msagent\agentdpv.dll

    'regsvr64' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

    operable program or batch file.




    David Overton wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Sep 29 2009 10:31 PM

    Hi Jerry,

    only replace the system32 with system64, so the regsvr32 command should NOT be changed to regsvr64.



    Anonymous wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, Sep 30 2009 4:49 AM

    worked perfect!

    thank you sir!

    Mark wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sun, Oct 18 2009 7:28 PM

    This worked for me the first time through even though I am using Office XP I was receiving the same error message.

    Thank you very much

    Louise wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Nov 3 2009 3:11 AM

    David,  Thank you so much!  

    I have a different problem though.  I just purchase a new laptop with Windows 7 installed.  I installed Office 2003 and noticed that I no longer had my "Links" or any other Office Assistant.... but I found your site and applied the fix for Vista assuming it would be the same for Windows 7.  It worked...somewhat.  I got all the assistants back but their background is a disturbing hot pink.  I have my Links cat but it's driving me nuts,  I upgraded to SP3 but that didn't fix it.  Is there something more I should do?  or try it again.

    Hope you can help me.  Thank you very much!


    Louise wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sun, Nov 8 2009 1:30 PM

    Hello again,

    Has anyone else gotten the hot pink background?  David, Is there anything you can suggest?

    Thanks again,


    David Overton wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Nov 10 2009 10:39 AM

    Hi Louise,

    this technology was never released for Windows 2000 or beyond, which means that since this release 6 years ago no further investment has been made.  I have no thad a chance to test on Windows 7 yet, but I think the pink background might be a sign that we can't stretch this technology any more.



    Jim wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Nov 12 2009 8:56 PM

    Many thanks, from Greece, for your valuable advice.

    Denise wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Nov 14 2009 12:00 PM

    Hi Dave,

    Will this fix work with Office 2007? I want to upgrade Office, but really don't want to lose Links. Silly humans...getting so attached to a little animated character!

    Thank you,


    Rob C wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Nov 16 2009 6:26 PM

    Hi David,

    Brilliant!  Just brilliant!  My daughter is elated.  Thank you so very much.


    Lenny wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Nov 21 2009 8:29 AM

    Wow that worked so effortlessly Im shocked

    (Gatway GM5474 Vista Home prem.)

    THANK U.

    Frank wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Nov 28 2009 10:56 AM

    I have completed your steps and it works perfectly!

    Many thanks

    Richard wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Nov 30 2009 5:09 AM

    This worked great.  I had a little problems at the beginning but got it figured out. Remember to download the MSAgent2.exe file first like discribed. At the prompt: c:windows\system32> Type: immediately after > the following with no space except after copy;

    copy c:\windows\msagent\agentdpv.dll   then HIT ENTER.

    Again at the new prompt:c:windows\system32>

    Type: immediately after > with a space only after regsvr32

    regsvr32 c:\windows\msagent\agentdpv.dll  then HIT ENTER

    A message should appear that it was successful. Thats it.

    If you are trying for the second time like I did and get a message to overwrite the agentdbv.dll it just means that it was entered correctly the first time you typed it. It is your choice to overwrite or not. I hope this helps clear up some of the confusion like what I had when applying these changes.

    Thanks again. Works great.  

    Rosalene Bradbury in New Zealand wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Dec 19 2009 11:58 AM

    Fantastic.  THANK YOU>  I am a complete computer ignoramus but even I could follow your instructions !  I installed the MSAgent2.exe file and restarted my computer.  Then did a searh for the command prompt, located it, opnened ti, copied and pasted your commands and pushed enter.  Closed the command prompt and in ude course my office assistances arrived! I am running Vista and Office Pro 2003.

    Cheers mate from New Zealand.  

    Anonymous wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Dec 21 2009 10:56 AM

    David, it totally works.

    Don't do it from the RUN prompt.   Do it from a command prompt.

    I got back my ROCKY....    DAVID, YOU ROCK!!!!!


    Diane wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant (Office 2003) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Dec 29 2009 8:09 PM

    I can't believe it!  So easy, and it worked.


    Dave M wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant in Office 2003 (clippy) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Jan 4 2010 2:46 AM

    Thanks so much, David - easy-to-follow instructions which worked a treat! I would not have had the first clue how to sort this out. Brilliant!

    Linda wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant in Office 2003 (clippy) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Jan 4 2010 4:51 AM

    I can't get this to work.  I have downloaded the Agent 2.0 Core components: self-installing executable file your link lead me to and have gotten to the administrator: command prompt.

    I don't really understand how to type all that c:\windows\msagent...etc stuff in. I have tried several ways and none work.  When I type it in line by line I get a message that says:

    "The system cannot execute the specified program."

    I have gotten other messages that are similar when I type the whole thing in all at once.  I am lost.  

    Are there spaces between the .dll and the c:\ info?

    I guess you can tell that I am not all that computer savvy.  I need "Dick and Jane" instructions.

    Any more suggestions?

    Linda wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant in Office 2003 (clippy) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Jan 4 2010 6:34 AM


    After reading Kay's explanation about the command prompt and exactly how to enter the info, I got my office assistant to work.

    Knowledge is a wonderful thing.  You are a wise man and Kay was a great interpreter.

    I can go to sleep now...........


    Russ wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant in Office 2003 (clippy) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Jan 11 2010 12:42 AM

    Works beautifully with Office 2000 - thank you - my son is very happy again.

    Iain wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant in Office 2003 (clippy) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Wed, Feb 10 2010 8:56 PM

    To get rid of the pink background against the Office Assistant in Windows 7, right click the short cut to the application (e.g. Word) and go to properties, chose the compatibility tab, and tick-box 'Disable desktop composition'. Click Apply then OK. The windows task bar will change but it goes back once you exit the application.

    Vicki wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant in Office 2003 (clippy) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Feb 25 2010 12:42 AM

    David, Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and making it easy for me to get my kitty back!!!

    Dave wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant in Office 2003 (clippy) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Mar 15 2010 6:27 AM

    Thanks for troubleshooting and posting this fix.  I missed my dog.

    Christian von Delius wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant in Office 2003 (clippy) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Mar 27 2010 9:24 AM


    Having only clip has been bugging me extremely!

    Your Agentdpv.dll fix worked excellently

    Thanks for sharing..


    Billy wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant in Office 2003 (clippy) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Apr 17 2010 8:23 PM

    Getting RegSvr 32 Error:

    X  The module "c:windows\msagent\agentdpr.dll" failed to load.

    Make sure the binary is stored at the specified path or debug it to check for problems with the binary or dependent .DLL files.

    The specified module could not be found.

    Any help would be appreciatede @:

    [email protected]

    David Overton wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant in Office 2003 (clippy) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Apr 24 2010 6:09 PM


    Have you extract the files as described above - they should end up in that location by default.



    Anonymous wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant in Office 2003 (clippy) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Thu, Jul 1 2010 8:27 AM

    WAHOOO!! You rock hardcore!! Thanks so much for this!

    Steve Black wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant in Office 2003 (clippy) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sun, Jul 11 2010 11:28 PM

    Here is the best solution from Microsoft:


    This link works for both 32 and 64 bit win 7, but you have to follow the instructions if the system you install to is different than your download system (because the page auto detects your version of win 7).

    I have X64 and it works perfect.

    Yank In OZ wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant in Office 2003 (clippy) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Aug 9 2010 2:27 PM

    Great blog, have spent weeks trying to get Rocky back. Doing as you instructed took just 1 minute. You're a legend.

    devkumar wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant in Office 2003 (clippy) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Aug 14 2010 2:16 PM

    thank it worked for me too

    bjeeg wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant in Office 2003 (clippy) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sun, Aug 29 2010 9:05 PM

    Thank you SO much!

    Sue wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant in Office 2003 (clippy) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Fri, Sep 17 2010 1:28 AM

    Hi, David, How can I make this work in Windows XP?  It seemed working the first time, and then it just diappeared and not working any more... Please help me!

    Dawn Berlitz wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant in Office 2003 (clippy) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sun, Sep 19 2010 3:09 AM

    thank you i got my favorite office assistant Links back i love that little office assistant she is my favorite out of the bynch

    Sandi914 wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant in Office 2003 (clippy) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Sat, Jan 29 2011 7:08 PM

    David, thanks.  It worked!!

    Murado wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant in Office 2003 (clippy) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Dec 6 2011 7:31 PM

    Dear David,

    Actually worked!

    Thank you very much and warm greeting from Istanbul, TR...

    Eva wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant in Office 2003 (clippy) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Mon, Nov 25 2013 2:48 PM

    Thank you so much, David, it worked for me too.

    RG wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant in Office 2003 (clippy) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, May 20 2014 5:12 AM

    This is the fix I've been looking for for the past several years. You are the first person I've found (including Microsoft help desk workers) who has figured this out and mad a fix for it. I installed Office back in 2006 and this is the first time I haven't had to fiddle with the registry to change the assistants. IT WORKS!!! IT REALLY WORKS!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

    Deana wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant in Office 2003 (clippy) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Jun 17 2014 1:30 AM

    Amazing fix, thank you so much! The only step lacking is that once it gives you the choices of characters, you need the Word CD to install the one that you want!

    Gary wrote re: How to get the Office Assistant in Office 2003 (clippy) to work in Windows Vista, i.e. remove the "Not enough memory" error messages
    on Tue, Feb 10 2015 2:37 PM

    I THANK you very much for this fix and your work in finding the answer to this common problem. I found this in my search for an answer on my first click. I know this thread must be quite old but it seems it`s still helping people not to loose their minds. LOL Have a wonderful day.

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