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You may notice a red address bar in internt explorer (IE7) for bad sites, but now you can see Green for Safe sites

In an effort to combat phishing scams, Microsoft has rolled out a feature in Internet Explorer 7 that displays Web sites with a new type of security certification in an address bar with a green background. A bit of press on this at Internet Explorer 7 Gives Secure Web Sites the Green Light and some MS info at http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/winfamily/ie/features.mspx (look at dynamic security) where it states:

Color-coded notifications appear next to the address bar to make you aware of website security and privacy settings. The Address Bar changes to green for websites bearing new High Assurance certificates, indicating the site owner has completed extensive identity verification checks. Phishing Filter notifications, certificate names, and the gold padlock icon also appear next to the address bar for better visibility. You can easily display certificate and privacy detail information with a single click on the Security Status bar.





Technorati tags: Internet Explorer, IE7, Security, Green Bar


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Posted Thu, Mar 8 2007 8:21 AM by David Overton

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